What’s the highlight of CATIA V6 (3DEXPERIENCE CATIA) compare with V5?
For Example: “MD2” vs “M3K”
- “M3K”: 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA – Mechanical Engineer

The typical benefit you can get from 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA is..
- Design data in database.
- More useful functions.

Let’s take a look at each one in a bit more detail !!
Design data in database (“MD2”: Filebase, “M3K”: Database)
All the Design data of 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA is stored in database which brings you higher productivity and better collaboration among stakeholders. You can always access the latest Design data.
Filebase (“MD2”) —–> “Database” (M3K)

- Not confident which version is the latest or the right to access.
- Single source of truth
- Managing data maturity and versioning of modification in real time
- Product lifecycle management
- Lose link.
- 3D BOM management
- Spend more time just to look for data.
- Quick & Efficient data search
More functions in CAD (“M3K” = “MD2” + more)
The more useful CAD function of 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA brings you better productivity.
“M3K” = “MD2” + more

- For example:
- ST1: Step Core Interface 1 (Data Exchange)
- SPA: DMU Space Analysis 2 (Digital Mockup)
- FAR: DMU Fastening Review 2 (Digital Mockup)
- Material Definition (Simulation)
- Static Study (Simulation)
and more…